Monthly Archives: July 2009

Good / Bad

I didn’t post last night because I didn’t actually go out for my run until 9:45. I did a relatively easy 13.5 miles in the dark of night, heading towards the downtown canal to get a little visible light to work with. Unfortunately, the light shown on people I’d rather not come across during my training runs. Let me tell you, a whole ‘nother level of classy individuals walk the downtown canal during the evening hours. To clarify this point – Just a few miles into the run I pass our State Museum which backs up to the scenic canal, has an extremely opened up veranda, and is lit up like it’s perpetually 12 noon. Does that stop a couple from having a BJ session right in the middle of the veranda while anyone out for a scenic stroll (I passed probably 50 people) walks by…or runs by? Nope! Stay classy Indy. 

Anyways…on to more appetizing subjects.

I’m registering for a race this Saturday – the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Circle the City 5k/10k. I’m certainly psyched to get back into race mode, but there are always pros and cons I find myself debating once I’ve made the decision to race. Here’s what I’ve come up with for Saturday.

Good -It’s a 10k race….I hate doing anything under that distance. The speed threshold is always nearly too much for me.
Bad – It’s a 10k race….With the marathon coming up, I find I only want to do 1/2 marathons to really get a definitive gauge on pace and distance.
– My training – With the increase in both mileage and intensity, and the last 10k I ran being a full year ago, it seems to follow that I will be far improved from the last time I ran this distance.
Bad – My training – With the increase in both mileage and intensity, there is a good chance I’ll be pretty flat come Saturday. It takes a bit to get that speed back once you beat yourself up for a handful of weeks, and I’m not sure where I’ll stand on Saturday.
Good – Prize money…It’s always nice to have cash waiting at the end of the race if you perform well.
Bad – Prize money…The race is offering 1000 dollars to anyone who runs below 29:30, which means the top runners from IN and surrounding states (rumors of kenyans coming from NY) will show up to go for the rent/food/clothes money, which means I don’t stand a chance of placing. All I can hope for is a PR and age group placing.
Good – Compeition….With the prize money dangling like a carrot to a donkey, the race will be fast. I’ll have others to hang onto for what I hope is a PR run.
Bad – Competition….see the prior bad.
Good – Music!…The symphony will be playing at the end of the race and African drummers will be playing along the course.
Bad – Actually, there’s nothing bad about drums during a race, or a symphony post-race for that matter.

In all, I’m pretty excited to put the racing flats on again and see what I can do, even if 10k’s aren’t my best distance. I’m honestly not EXPECTING a PR, but I’d sure like to try and go for one, which is why I’ve decided to take today off. I was debating doing something easy, or just long, but after Tuesday’s workout and last night’s 13.5, my legs are just gone. I certainly need the recovery time to be well rested for Saturday. I’ll probably go out for a shorter run tomorrow, just to keep things loose, but that will be it until Saturday. Expect a race report.



Yesterday – 13.5 at moderate pace…1:22. The run was easier on my legs than it was my eyes.
Today – recover


Breakfast – Hot grape nuts cereal w/ slab of margarine, soymilk, and a small dose of brown sugar, coffee
Lunch – Pasta w/ veggie sauce
Dinner – Haven’t decided yet
Snacks – Banana w/ peanut butter, orange, water, coffee

The little victories

Like the pain of a tattoo, I might have forgotten a past grueling workout from my high school cross country days, but regardless, today’s workout felt like the hardest (most rewarding) I’ve ever done. 

On Saturday’s long run Jessie Davis says to his coach that writes these workouts,

“Even with all this racing and high mileage weeks I’ve felt real good.”

The coach chuckles a diabolical, planning laugh and responds, “I’ll remember that when writing next weeks workout.”

I don’t disbelieve him for a second. I was right.

3 miles of warmup.
1 mile at 5:00 flat – then 1 minute jog rest
Into 12 x 400’s, maintaining around 68 seconds, with 1 minute jog rest in between
3 minute jog rest after the 12th 400
Into a final 5:00 flat mile again
4 miles of cool down.

This was going to hurt. Add to that a downpour during the warmup that transitioned to a sweltering, painful sun as soon as we hit the track that turned the air into a heavy humid mass that weighed on our lungs like a lead vest. This was gonna be awesome.

After preliminary stretches and run outs we go straight into the mile, hitting 5:00 flat on the nose, myself feeling quite surprised at the relatively minimal effort to get there. Then we knock out the first 400, the plan to rotate leading positions throughout the repetitions. After the first 40o I question my ability to complete 4 more, let alone 11. We knock out another at 68 seconds and I’m told to lead the third. I decline and compromise, agreeing to take the 4th, just hoping my rhythm will kick in and I’ll be able to effectively lead the group. The 4th comes around and as I doubt my abilities I somehow knock it out on the second. Then going into the 5th I feel as if someone has drop kicked my quads and I worry that I killed the entire workout, coming through the line at 71 seconds. Almost magically I manage to recover my speed and the 6th goes by at 68 again, though I was falling off the group of 3 in front of me. We hit 7 and I although I express my doubts, the group forces me to sandwich in the middle to maintain speed, which somehow I manage….the group dynamic is powerful. Number 8 and I’m told to lead again, but I refuse once, then twice, but Little refuses to relent and forces me to the front telling me, “Mind over matter.” I go out with seemingly fresh legs, hoping to hang on through the second 200 and somehow, beyond my comprehension, we go through at 68 on the dot yet again…though I questioned my ability to hold the contents in my stomach the last 20 yards. All I wanted was to get to 10, but 9 and 10 came and went, this time around 69 and 71, then 11 at 71 again and finally 12 at 73, no matter how hard I tried to make the last one count.

And we weren’t done. We had 3 minutes rest and one more mile, Little and I trying to hold onto 75 second 400’s, but each lap took its toll and we struggled to keep Jessie in any relative distance, his little robot legs and his shortened but blurred robot stride killing every lap and putting more and more distance on us. I rounded the last lap and found the energy to kill it down the straight, but only came through at 5:17, which Matt jokingly (?) blurted out, 

“That was the highest quality 5:17 mile of the day!”

I was certainly satisfied, running in sweat soaked trainers instead of racing flats, killing that workout despite running at my highest mileage weeks yet, and doing it in the thick remorseless air. THAT was awesome.


The veganism 101 presentation at school went smashingly today. I had MOST of the kids interested, throwing in attention grabbing gross out facts about what gelatin is made of when the energy waned, and even getting to make a point about the value of nutritional knowledge by first telling them that Latin was absolutely useless. THAT sure got their attention.



See above…I feel like I’m giving an algebra lesson writing that thing out.


Breakfast – Oatmeal (w/ peanut butter and raisins), coffee
Lunch – Leftover quinoa w/ veggies, mushrooms, green beans, etc., water
Dinner – Umm…havent really had it yet.
Snacks – Coffee, Banana w/ peanut butter, primal vegan jerky, 2 post run gatorades, coffee, ABC espresso cookie

Everything else

A long distance friend of mine called me yesterday and we had a brief, but decent catch up conversation, touching on obstacles, near-future plans, and overall life perspectives. My friend, a bike enthusiast, who rides recreationally and competitively made a comment that struck a chord with me and mirrored similar thoughts I’ve been considering regarding our respective interests. To paraphrase, he said,

“Lately I’ve really been struggling with my love of cycling and just how much joy it gives me, but working in a bike shop has made me realize just how involved it is materialistically and how it tends to conflict with my other perspectives. Like, I just finished reading a Derrick Jensen book and I really feel driven to do something to protect the environment in a concretely active way and I feel like I should be dedicating my efforts toward that end, but I also don’t want to give up my cycling, yet the two seem completely opposed to each other in a way.”

Internally, I thanked him for staying in touch and thanked myself for calling him back, if only to hear him say the very same things I’ve been struggling with lately.

For those of you who knew me (and my politics) before immersing myself with running, you probably already know the rest of this post, but for the rest I’ll offer a little summary for clarification.

I was involved with anarchist culture/practice for many years (not to say I’m not anymore)…and I mean heavily involved. My every day was informed by anarchist politics and my every action was weighed against the effectiveness of creating the world of total liberation I so desperately desired. I went through many emotional struggles debating my anarchist practice, some emotional highs and some emotional lows. Then my son came along, and although that experience only solidified my desires for a world of total liberation, obsessively tending to his needs started the process that took me out of the more communal anarchist effort. I was more concerned with making sure the cloth diapers were washed. Then after moving to the middle of nowhere to save money, I started running again. Then, well, here we are. 

Now my internet bookmarks are comprised of more running sites than anarchist news sites. I make plans to travel out of state for races instead of anarchist convergences. I draw out detailed training plans instead of detailed plans to establish the next infoshop. And, all other elements out of my control aside, I’m more happy than I’ve been in a long long time. I have a lot of hope for my every day, despite the ever present obstacles to financial freedom. In short, I’ve effectively replaced my involvement in anarchist culture with my involvement in running culture…and I’m absolutely fine with that. Mostly.

There are still issues that act to drag me back in. When I hear of my friends getting put in jail by the state, or when I read a particularly impassioned piece of propaganda, or when I read ecologically focused anarchist writings, I can’t help but remember the reasons I was so deeply involved in the culture not so long ago. Basically, because I really believe we are stuck on a speeding train that is going nowhere but off the cliff….environmentally if not socially. 

I’ll spare you the details…this is a running blog after all. 

However, it was a relief to hear that a friend I have great respect for, who is in a relatively similar situation as I am, is currently struggling with the same dilemma. We are so impassioned and entrenched in our sports interests, which give us great success and pleasure, but at the same time we have these moments where we can’t help but understand the relative futility and absurdity of it all. It really puts our efforts into perspective, no matter how rewarding they are to us personally. 

I don’t know, I wish I had a more redeeming point to this post, but I guess I don’t. Ultimately, I don’t have much hope for the shape of things to come, and if the opportunity does arise where I can have an effect on the world in a positive way, you can bet I’ll be right there, but until then I’m quite satisfied riding out the speeding train and making the most of it along the way. That sounds kinda terrible doesn’t it? 🙂

I think that’s what troubles me the most honestly. Running has been such an amazing escape for me in so many ways, but when you leave behind “ignorance is bliss” and now have an understanding of “what’s coming”, that escape is quite troubling. Yeah, I can escape diminishing salmon, deforestation, continued development and capitalist expansion, an ever increasingly toxified ocean, and all sorts of others horrors, but I know that’s irresponsible. Yet, I can’t get away from how exciting and rewarding running is to me on a personal level and how it makes everything else pale in comparison, even when everything else might just be ecological collapse in my own lifetime. Then again, maybe I’m just reading too many apocalyptic books lately. 

Still, to put my ugliness out there, I’m not stopping running for some feel good effort to “save the world”. That’s just how it is. We’ll cross the final bridge when we come to it.


Also, in relation to yesterday’s post….I’m giving a Veganism 101 talk to a class of High School freshman tomorrow afternoon! Maybe more blog fodder?!



10 miles easy – resting after a rough week and the coming high-mileage, tough workout week ahead. Feel less fatigued now, which is good.


Breakfast – Oatmeal (w/ peanut butter and raisins), coffee
Lunch – Leftover pasta w/ veggies
Dinner – Quinoa w/ mushrooms, tomatoes, sunflower seeds, and all kinds of other amazing goodness, w/ garlic bread
Snacks – Cereal w/ soymilk, water, coffee, banana

Super Size me…actually, don’t.

Wow, I watched Super Size Me last night on Hulu. I’ve always wanted to watch it because I’m a sucker for documentaries, especially where the subject undertakes some extremist social experiment, but I didn’t realize this movie was filled with so much food theory as well. I made the decision to watch the film after noticing that the health teacher at the school I work is showing it to her kids. So, imagine my surprise when I realized the main subject’s girlfriend is a vegan chef, and Morgan’s post-Mcdonald’s detox diet was a vegan one. I was even further thrilled to see a section on the nation’s generally accepted school food program, a subject I am intimately familiar with as I empty the lunch trash every day and essentially pick up the packaging discards around school all the time.

I’ve been quite appalled at the school lunch program where I work and the eating habits of these kids since I started working there, so once I saw this film being shown in class my wheels got turning. Today, out on a faster than I wanted to go 11 mile run, I decided that I’m going to talk to the school’s health teacher and see if she wanted me to talk to her class about veganism, in relation to the film she is showing. I figure teachers are always looking for new ways to fill class time, so the long-haired, running, vegan janitor talk would probably keep the kids attention for a little bit right? 

I’ll probably have to come up with a more structured talk if the teacher thinks this is a good idea, but these are some of the main points I would want to discuss with the kids:

1. Longevity is over-rated. Who cares how long one lives if it’s a life of misery and sickness. The quality of life is always what counts and diet is intricately linked to quality of life.

2. Understanding that good food creates a better quality of life is only the first step. Altering your physical environment or perspective of the physical environment is key. You can be aware that apples are better than pop-tarts, but if grocery stores are filled with 15 aisles of pop-tarts and 1 aisle of apples, guess which product you’ll probably end up choosing.

3. Veganism, on a personal level, has helped me limit my food choices to the point that most crap in the grocery stores is packaged excess and I don’t even bother considering them as an option, therefore the ratio of good choices to bad choices is much more balanced.

4. The food industry isn’t about food. It’s about getting your money. Food is irrelevant. Food is simply what’s in the packaging. It’s really about marketing. A marketing executive can jump industries without any process of relearning…it’s all about what the package looks like, not what’s inside.

5. Any system based on money will ultimately serve the needs of money, not any ethical standard. Food is no different. Corporations have no foundational motive to look out for your dietary benefit, so all product should be suspect. 

6. The mind and body are the same entity. Both are fueled by food. Bad fuel will affect both negatively and good fuel with affect both positively. 

7. Food is so far removed from it’s original state that we are now ingesting substances that are not ingested by any other living creature as sustenance. When a predator animal eats a cow, it leaves the hooves, hair, and bones to rot. Humans have turned those parts of the animal into gelatin (jello) and that is only the most obvious example. So technically, corporations are feeding us non-food. The effects of eating non-foods are inherently suspect.

That’s just a start though. Those are some ideas that were running through my head as my legs ran along the ground. 

This subject of food is really fascinating to me now that I work in a school environment. It’s quite depressing to see how little emphasis is put upon the diet of these kids, wherein some of them come from poor families, which are more likely not able to provide them with healthy foods. Unfortunately, the schools are so strapped as it is with money that they are influenced to cut costs on all the school aspects that aren’t rewarded monetarily by the state, which are essentially test scores. And don’t get me started on the value of test scores, not to mention the subjects which these kids are being tested on……I mean really, LATIN?! EXACTLY WHAT DIRECT VALUE DOES LATIN HAVE IN OUR DAILY LIVES? Ok, tangent. But really, how is so much emphasis placed on latin and so little emphasis placed on good food choices, which is not only something these kids need to know on a daily basis, but actually need to consider multiple times a day. Yeah, this health class is addressing the issue to a degree, but what message is being sent when kids are shown bad food choices and then once class is over they go to lunch to eat the most paltry and low-grade crap food I’ve ever seen. I really thought the trash I collected after lunch was brought by these kids from home, but it turns out that the oreo packages, potato chip packages, government cheese, disgusting “hamburgers”, Smuckers “lunchables” pb&j sandwiches, barely recognizeable cheese, and everything else is actually from the food service company we use. I’ll have to get some photos for you sometime…it really is amazing.

And just the other day before lunch an announcement was given over the speakers. It went something like this,

“Students should be aware that they can not refuse the lunch offered in the cafeteria. We are subsidized by a government program and the guidelines of that program insist that every student take a complete lunch. You can’t refuse any portion of the lunch. If you want to give it away to others, that is fine, but you must take a complete lunch. This is a federal mandate and we can’t refuse it or we lose our lunch service.”

The trash cans overflow with uneaten lunches….which may not be a bad thing really. 

Then there are the rules around school about proper behavior, including not chewing gum or candy, which I think is more about not having gum and candy wrappers thrown all over the school (yeah right), but at the same time, I see kids sprinting away from bathroom breaks to the counselors office where he has a full bucket of candy that he freely lets the kids grab into EVERY DAY. This, on top of the Monsters and Red Bulls these kids walk into school with. I mean, I don’t really know how these kids would function without all this junk, but I’m guessing the classes might be just A TOUCH easier to manage.

So anyways, this is just the tip of the iceberg, but I’m interested to see what sort of response I might get if the teacher lets me go ahead with a talk/q&a session. I’ll keep you all posted.




11 miles – supposed to be an easy recovery pace, but after 2 miles I felt loose and ended up moving quickly along the canal downtown, despite the increasing heat and humidity.


Breakfast – English muffin with margarine, coffee
Lunch – Pasta w/ TVP and brocolli, water, bread and margarine
Snacks – Water, Peaches, Plums eaten from a tree on the run, Raw energy bar
Dinner – Homemade chili w/ tofu, zuchinni, other veggies, etc. (Awesome!), homemade bread, peaches and plums

Double post!

Hey…don’t take my word for it…take hers.

Runner’s World dietitian does soy products 101

A rundown of a long run

I was woken at 5:00 by the sound of rain pounding on the windows. Even in my groggy sleep-induced head fog the only thing that crossed my mind was, “Crap. This better stop before I have to get up and do 20 miles.” 

I was smacked awake by the beeping of my cell phone alarm, what some refer to as “the first insult of the day”, but that is only in relation to the work week, where here it could be considered “the first motivator of the run”. I fumbled through the darkened house unlit by any sunlight hiding behind the rain clouds that had stopped falling, but still hung heavy. I drank my coffee, ate an english muffin and jumped in the car, forgetting to give michelle her goodbye kiss. (Yeah, I got crap for that one on the return).

Driving to the meetup parking lot I looked to the sky to see an ominous and, honestly, quite frightening cloud line. I mentally switched to my love of adverse weather, when all of a sudden lightning split the sky. Then again, and again, and again. I debated turning around, but decided after getting up this early I at least owed my other running cohorts the chance to consider a run. I tried to psyche myself up to run in a downpour peppered with lightning strikes, figuring the trees would deflect any deadly blow. Suddenly, I became aware that these are probably the sort of thoughts that preceed the death of any lightning victim. “Oh, I’ll be fine. I mean really, what are the odds?” I wasn’t sure if my desire to run in the rain was passionate dedication or the stupid side of machismo. 

Fortunately, after pulling into the parking lot another running buddy showed up and we both looked to the sky. Our third and final runner for the day pulled up next to us and this time when we looked to the sky, there was a decent sized hole forming above us. The downpour ceased and with just a light drizzle falling we all stepped from our cars to start the run. The 5:45 wakeup time was not to be for naught this time.

With a couple hard workouts earlier in the week we all started off slowly and stiff. Running past the paying entrance to the park we were about to run in we slipped into a trail that fed us directly onto the roads that criss-crossed and wound through the natural scenery. Fearing water logged trails we opted to stay on the roads, unfortunately offering us no cushioning or respite for our already weary legs. 

Still, we ran on somewhere around 7 minute pace. 3 miles in we double backed to pick up their coach and cruised with him for the next 45 minutes, him forcing the pace at times, which helped loosen our legs and make the effort much more pleasant. Soon enough though, after working him up a gradual hill, he fell off the back and we continued on at varying pacing. Despite the rough week we had enough to press on deep into the 20 miles, but the grey skies and overall soreness started to take its toll. 

One mile split read 6:40, but that was after a drop in tempo, so up until then we were probably pushing 6:00 to 6:30 pacing, a respectable pace for a purposefully long, slow run. 

At about 1:20 – 1:30 I felt an early morning hunger creep into my abdomen and made me wish I had eaten a more substantial breakfast. My thoughts wandered to vegan waffles made in my belgian waffle maker. 

The next 30 minutes wore on and on, as if time had slowed, and I caught us all taking peeks at our watches, hoping what felt like the past 10 minutes wasn’t the actual 3 that our watches read. We jumped onto a trail to break the monotony and instinctually picked up the pace, which felt great for a brief period until we hit 1:45 and time slowed yet again. One of the other runners verbalized,

“Have you ever felt like if you laid down, that you just wouldn’t be able to get back up? Or that you just wouldn’t WANT to get back up? I really feel like that right now.” I think we all did. 

We popped out from the woods and made our way out of the park and back to the cars, adding a short stretch of pavement to complete the full 20 miles. We weren’t broken by any means, but we certainly weren’t thriving either. 

I drove back home, fighting the urge to stop at a store for like 50 gatorades, or at the local coffee shop for 80 soy iced mochas. Instead I stumbled into the house, inhaled two bowls of cereal, then some oatmeal, before laying on the floor like we discussed during the run, and debated not getting back up. 

And I repeat, this is still just the beginning.



20 miles – Anywhere between 6:00 and 7:00 minute miles.


Breakfast – 1 english muffin w/ peanut butter, coffee
Post run – 2 bowls of the natural version of rice chex w/ soymilk, coffee
Lunch – Just a bit of leftover pasta from yesterday, coffee
Dinner – Boca “chicken” pattie on wheat bread, sweet potatoes, beets, water
Snacks – Peach, water, coffee, salted edamame

Heard on the run

I need to get to bed for my early morning long run tomorrow, so this is going to be a short one. 

I’ve had a countless number of funny occurrences while out on runs and although these aren’t at the top of the list, here are a couple amusing happenings from the past two days.

Doing my warm up before yesterday’s hill sprints workout I ran through a few neighborhoods on the way to the hill. At one point I came up on a mom on her bike pulling her toddler daughter in an enclosed kid trailer. The little girl sees me running on the other side of the street and says, no, YELLS,

“Mommy! He has no shirt on! Mommy! He has no shirt on! See! Look Mommy! He has no shirt on! Look!”

I was mildly curious as to how the mom would react as it was obvious that her daughter was yelling loud enough for me to hear, but unfortunately she just ignored her and kept riding, probably not wanting to draw any more attention to the awkward interaction. I thought it was pretty funny anyways. I guess they don’t get a lot of shirtless folk in them there parts, which is quite a contrasting perspective as the toddler I live with takes any chance he can get to strip down and run bare-assed around the house or neighborhood, even preferring to go pee in the front yard instead of the bathroom.  

Then today I started up our rail trail, again shirtless, for an easy 10 miles when up ahead I saw a group of girls, most in their pre-teens, but also a couple older ones. I think I hear someone very faintly say,

“Is that a woman?” 

And as I get closer and closer they all of a sudden get quiet and stare at my as I come on them. All of a sudden someone busts out laughing, causing a chain reaction of laughter and I hear exclamations of,

“That’s not a woman! Hah! That’s a guy!”

Then more laughter as I keep running. Ok, so I have long hair, but damn, I wasn’t far enough away for them to not see that I wasn’t wearing a shirt. I mean really. Also, I’m trying to go for “METAL” with my head of hair, but so far I’ve only gotten “hippie” and now “woman”. Not cool man, not cool. 

Anyways, I’ve got plenty more stories like this, but it’s time to go to bed. Got a 2 hour run tomorrow.



10 miles – supposed to be easy, but I ended up pouring it on the second half. Still, I ran just over 6 minute miles. Felt super tight and sore to start the run and not much has changed as I sit here.


Breakfast – Oatmeal (w/ peanut butter, brown sugar), coffee
Lunch – A friend treated me to Eggless Egg salad (tofu w/ sauce and almonds), 2 tamales, Coffee
Dinner – Udon noodles w/ Thai peanut sauce and veggies
Snacks – coffee, water, sweet potatoes, bread, banana

Patience grasshopper

This marathon training stuff really messes with your head. It really forces you to question your abilities and shakes the unshakeable confidence you  might have had going into the whole training process in the first place. 

Lately I’ve been knocking out some pretty awesome workouts and holding my own in the process, which rightfully builds the confidence I have in my speed and endurance. It naturally follows that hard training will result in faster racing….but first you have to get there…to the “big dance”. In the meantime, no matter what successes you achieve during the training, your racing ultimately suffers. 

For instance, today I decided to step it up on my second hard workout of the week, which I often do alone. Normally I might do some sort of fartlek workout or even a pretty standard hill workout, that although might be rather strenuous, doesn’t necessarily take a shot at my confidence. Today, instead, I decided to do the following workout:

4 mile warmup
5 hill sprints (severe grade) both ways (up and down) w/ a short recovery in between each set
Followed by a 3 mile tempo run
5 more hill sprints both ways w/ short recovery
Final 4 mile cool down run home

I’ve done a hard hill workout quite often and know the difficulty that lies ahead, but I’ve never put the consecutive downhill into the run. And I’ve certainly never thrown a 3 mile tempo run into the whole mix. After the mind numbing warmup, and after knocking out the 5th hill sprint, I was pretty psyched to kick out a fast tempo run. I was feeling decent despite going into the whole workout with legs still beat up from Tuesday’s 800’s. I started the tempo run and felt strong and smooth, making a conscious effort to keep my form solid and push through on each step off. I continued to feel strong and although I lost track of the mile markers I ended up coming through the first mile at 5:30.

Wait….5:30? What the hell! I kept going and tried to step it up more, pushing off stronger and stronger, trying to glide over the packed dirt path. My breathing was powerfully maxed out and my legs started to falter underneath me. Finally, I hit the last mile marker and after looking at my watch, I realized I averaged just about 5:30 miles again. But I was spent!

Granted, I still managed to knock out the next 5 hill sprints and take the 4 mile cool down home, but the rug of confidence was pulled out from beneath me. Going on my earlier projections, I basically have to average around 5:30 miles for…well….THE WHOLE MARATHON. And here I am struggling to keep pace at 3 miles. Add to that my last 5k race I averaged 5:04 per mile and I couldn’t help but feel quite concerned about what I was going to do come October 11th. 

But I have to keep everything in perspective. I went into this workout with beat up legs, on top of consistent weeks of mileage longer than I have ever run, and workouts more intense than I have ever run, not to mention running the tempo run in the middle of hill sprints. It only makes sense that I struggled at 5:30 miles. 

And that’s the thing with marathon training. At some point this is all going to pay off, most likely during the taper phase that will come a couple weeks before Chicago. Only then will my body start to fully recover and the flood of fitness will show its beautiful face. Then 5:30 miles will probably feel like a warmup. But until then…I suffer. Patience grasshopper.

On top of that, I’m pretty sure I’ll be doing a 10k race in just over a week. Considering my last 10k was run a year ago, it should follow that I’ll crush my PR….well, that might have been the case if I wasn’t doing Chicago. There is now a good chance I’ll be struggling to keep pace with the front of the pack. Eh, we’ll see what happens. It’s all part of a larger process friends. 

Keep keepin on. 


Also, the vegan dandies team singlets and shorts have been picked out. Next we work on graphics/logos for the screen printer. Images will be posted when all finished. 

In-store promo pieces are also finished. These will also be posted soon.

World marshmallow domination is coming. 



See above


Breakfast – Oatmeal w/ peanut butter and brown sugar, No coffee!
Lunch – Leftover pasta w/ oils, nutrional yeast, spices, sunflower seeds, tofu
Dinner – Leftover pasta, sweet potatoes, leftover garden burger
Snacks – Banana, coffee, grape nuts w/ soy milk, bread and margarine

Book it! part 1











I picked up a few nerd running books from the library a few weeks ago and just finally got into my third and final book, More Fire – How to run the Kenyan way, by Toby Tanser. To be really shallow I held off reading this until last because the cover wasn’t all that enticing (despite the name being really cool) and the typeface selection and point size are pretty terrible. Hey, I’m a graphic designer, these things matter. Anyways, as I’m just about to finish the first of three sections, I must repeat the tired old mantra, “You can’t judge a book by it’s cover” (actually, sometimes you can), because so far this book is quite fascinating and I’ve already gained an intense perspective shift in relation to my running.

More Fire is broken into 3 parts – Kenyan Running, Training, and Profiles.  I will start with Kenyan Running and give reviews of the others after I’ve finished reading them.

Kenyan Running is fairly succinct in its title as the section gives a detailed overview of not only the nuances of Kenyan running, but also the social dynamics that play such an important role in the success of the Kenyan elites, all with a respectful, humanist touch. Tanser does rattle off enough statistics, times and distances to bore an accountant, but at the same time weaves enough of the character of the Kenyan people and his experiences with them into the story to make the whole telling quite entertaining. 

Without beating around the bush Tanser jumps into the book describing exactly how the Kenyans run with “more fire”, detailing some of their typical workouts and the intensity of their group runs, however, to simply say Kenyan’s success hinges on training harder would be an insulting summary. He then gives a thorough history lesson on the rise of Kenyan runners and the motivations that got them to the top of the global running pile with such absurdly amazing performances (I’ll get to that in a second). Tanser follows up that chapter with an amusing and endearing description of Kenyan daily culture and how that plays into the management of elite runners, which involves a lot of broken meetings, a severe disregard for promptness, and the seemingly magical process where everything still gets done without rushing and stressing. Further, More Fire gives a telling and equal rundown of Kenyan patriarchy and how the social dynamics and gender roles play into the restriction of Kenya’s women runners. Kenyan women, despite their success, do not achieve at the same level as the men do in Kenya, primarily due to the social stigma that running is a man’s activity and a woman’s activity is of the subservient type. A sufficient amount of page space is, fortunately, given to the men who are breaking that trend and encouraging the women to run at the same level as the men. Another telling chapter describes Kenyan nationalism and the apparent lack of importance that Kenyan runners put on making national teams in favor of winning prize money (I’ll get to this as well). Finally, the last chapter reads like a stream of consciousness where Tanser describes traveling locally and joining in training runs where his experiences lead one to believe that all of Kenya’s greatest runners hang out on every corner just waiting to talk to you. Tanser bounces from location to location passing current and past world record holders in almost every distance like Kenya is comprised ONLY of the best runners ever to exist. It’s quite stunning how prevalent this caliber of runner is in the area and how readily accessible they are.

Here’s the thing I’m getting the most from this book. Kenyan runners are seemingly superhuman and to say they dominate the running scene is a severe understatement. They OWN it. This leads a lot of armchair sociologists and armchair anthropologists to make snap judgements on why this is so, relying primarily on a genetic advantage. There have been a lot of studies trying to detail very minor genetic differences between Kenyans and the rest of the world, but nothing really stands up to true scientific rigor. There are simply too many differences among Kenyans themselves to base their performance on genetics alone. The next knee-jerk reaction is to simply claim that Kenyans train harder. There is some truth to this, yes, hence MORE FIRE, but Kenyan training regimens are no ancient secret. Kenyan runners will graciously offer their schedules to anyone keen enough to ask, as evidenced by a number of runners training plans laid out in this book itself. Many an American and European runner have gone to Kenya to train with them, all achieving varying degrees of success, but still, training alone doesn’t cut it. 

Tanser throws out one more less common theory that resonates most strongly with me, which is the impetus of social poverty. Kenyans are a very poor people, sometimes living in absolute shantytown squalor, with a lack of clean water, poor roads, ravaged by periodic droughts, and so on. There are pockets of wealth, of course, but in general the Kenyan people are poor, living in extremely simplistic housing (a room, sometimes with bedding, sometimes without) and small stoves. Their diet is simplistic as well – breads and vegetables. However, although the picture is rather bleak, there is a undeniably positive spirit to the Kenyan people, where poverty is recognized but not succumbed too. They don’t let it break them down. Still, it is not like they accept their condition and go on with life, which is where the success of their running comes into play. 

Kenyans have lean bodies, yes. Kenyans train hard as well, yes. Kenyans also have a pleasant and humble spirit as well, yes, but they also have a powerful drive to escape the conditions of their poverty, and rather quickly they have come to learn that running is the way out. In Kenya, the prize winnings from even one American race offer them an almost lifelong financial cushion. A handful of race winnings can mean the difference between lifelong poverty and lifelong wealth, which is why Kenyans run. It’s the equivalent of winning the lottery, but with greater odds that are not mere chance, but simply the outcome of physical dedication. Running is the Kenyans greatest chance to get out of poverty, so at even a very young age Kenyans are motivated to run, if not primarily for the joy, then for the social success it might bring. 

I lost the quote in the book, but at some point a scholar of Kenyan culture described it this way. To paraphrase, “Unless the social conditions in America deteriorate to the point that we are living in abject poverty and our only way out is running, we will NEVER be as good as the Kenyans.” This struck me deep. If you think about it, there are only a handful of American runners who can compete with the Kenyans, where the country of Kenya can throw out world record contenders one after another. The primary difference between the two areas is really simply a matter of poverty. Kenyans WANT it more, because they NEED it more, so they go after it. With this in mind, they train with “more fire” and race with “more fire”, but because they have so much more on the line.

To highlight this point further, American runners find great success and pride in making the national team. There is a great deal of exposure and relative monetary gain for American runners who make the national team, where in contrast Kenyan runners place very little importance on making the Kenyan national team due to a complete lack of support by the Kenyan government. Kenyan national runners may receive greater exposure by being on the team, but essentially make no money, so most skip out on the opportunity to instead come to America and go for the prize money. To Kenyan runners, the prize money is the ultimate motivation to run, because the prize money means an escape from poverty. 

Further, think about how many American runners achieve astounding success in the running scene and after losing the ability to compete due to injury or old age, still continue running. Again, in contrast, most Kenyan elites, after winning substantial prize money that secures them life long financial wealth….quit running. Cold turkey. Never running another step, not for fun, not for health, not anything. Running, to them, is a means to an end and nothing more.

Granted, these statements sound like absolute generalizations, but we can see similar dynamics in american society as well. For instance, African Americans dominate the NBA. Does anyone truly believe this is due to some genetic advantage? And hip hop….African Americans dominate the hip hop scene, which is definitively not a genetic advantage, but there is an undeniable motivation to escape poverty by the most accessible routes offered to this section of the population. There is also a reason privileged white males dominate the stock market, because it is the most readily accessible route open to them for financial success. African Americans are so successful at basketball and hip hop because they are a portion of the population who are actively discouraged from partaking in the whole pie and these avenues are the only ones they see the most success in, which is why they are both part of the African American culture from a very young age, and why they are so disproportionately successful at both of them. It isn’t racist, it’s sociological. The same dynamic plays into the Kenyan experience. They have more to gain from running success than the average American kid does, so they put consistently MORE FIRE into their training and into their mindset.

And this is the benefit I’m trying to take advantage of, the mindset I’m trying to emulate to some miniscule degree. I have no interest in recreating the conditions of poverty that Kenyans have no choice but to endure, but that doesn’t mean I can’t derive some of the “fire” that goes into the training that develops their success. This is what I’ve been keeping in mind lately during my runs when the miles start to break me down, or the intensity throws a wall into my face. Sometimes I repeat the “more fire” mantra, but more effectively I think about my projected goals and find the drive to pull through or put in the extra effort to get there. I’m not trying to “play Kenyan”, but instead really do what it takes to push myself harder and harder, to gain more fire.

I was told recently that the marathon is about enduring pain, about pushing through and running through the point of exhaustion. There is really only one way to increase this ability…..more fire. 



13.5 recovery miles from yesterday’s brutal 800’s workout. 


Breakfast – Oatmeal (w/ peanut butter, almonds, brown sugar) coffee
Lunch – cous cous w/ brocolli
Dinner – Pasta w/ nutritional yeast, spices, margarine, olive oil, sunflower seeds
Snacks – post-run smoothie, plums straight from the tree!, coffee, water, peanut butter, pizza

The ambassador of nothing

Sometimes I’m a jerk. Like last week during a run on the boardwalk, when I had an opportunity to be an ambassador of running, maybe even lend a needed dose of inspiration, I instead let my competitive ego get the best of me. 

While doing a couple runs on the boardwalk I would pass a younger kid with floppy surfer curled hair who was moving at a respectable pace the other way. I wasn’t sure if he was some young high school kid full of himself and showing off for the crowds or a dedicated runner really putting in quality work. We would catch each others eyes as we ran by, but that was about it. Then at the beginning of one of my long runs I passed him again, and towards the end of the run I saw him up ahead, walking. At the time I was pretty spent when I passed him from behind, but all of a sudden I heard footsteps not too far behind me, keeping pace. 

“That kid is pacing off me.” I thought to myself, which of course influenced me to pick up my own pace.

So I did. Moving along just a bit quicker I listened for his footfalls, which hung right behind me. We moved further down the boardwalk and I started debating striking up a conversation with the kid, but then the evil competitor inside me surfaced and whispered into my ear. It said,

“Let’s see what this kid can hang on to.”

So ever so slightly I increased the pace, listening to his footfalls, and now his noticeably labored breathing. But still he hung on.

So I picked it up again, even though I was supposed to just be cooling down at the end of my run, and he still hung on, both of us now working at our pace.

At this point I was sure he knew I was deliberately picking up the pace, so I just said what the hell, and increased it again, now far past any casual run. This time, when I listened for his footfalls, there was nothing there. He fell off. Which was about the perfect time as 7th street stretched out towards me and I turned off to head home, at which point my body expressed its anger at being forced to run hard when it was almost too tired to run slow. Honestly, I deserved that.

And as soon as I slowed down, that “jerk” feeling came over me and I regretted not just taking it easy and striking up a conversation with the kid instead of seeing when I could blow him up. Now, I guess I don’t want to hold any pretentiousness that I have some insight this kid might NEED, but hell, maybe something worthwhile would have come out of that interaction. Maybe I would would have learned something. The main point being that NOTHING was going to come of just taking off and leaving this kid behind, save a bit of anaerobic work. 

It’s not like I think I DON’T have anything to offer…I mean hell, I’m obsessively writing a blog about….myself. That takes a dose of arrogance doesn’t it? 

Ultimately, I think I just have an ingrained insecurity from my younger days. I don’t like holding even an iota of responsibility regarding others actions, which I realize is ridiculous on so many levels, considering how “out” I am about my politics and ideas. Then again, I often hide behind either the safety of anonymity in my writings or the seeming disconnectedness and lack of responsibility that comes with blog posting. Still, I’m just some dude stumbling his way through life. I know I have some things relatively figured out for MYSELF, but far be it for me to tell you what is best for you, even if I think it might help. 

Still, I know people who don’t hold the same reservations that I do and are very comfortable talking to strangers about anything and everything, even if it’s just running. Some people are far better running ambassadors than I am, even if I want to be. And I’m glad those people exist, because they sure offer me a lot of insight and inspiration. I guess I just need to overcome my personal reservations and do the same when the opportunities arise. 

So, for what it’s worth, don’t give up. More Fire!



4 mile warmup
10 x 800’s between 2:30 and 2:21 with 1:30 recovery jog
3 mile cool down


Breakfast – Oatmeal (w/ peanut butter, brown sugar and almonds), coffee
Lunch – Pasta w/ nutritional yeast, sauce, sunflower seeds and protein crumbles
Dinner – 2 gardenburgers and cous cous w/ vegetables
Snacks – coffee, peanut butter cookie, water, coffee, bread w/ peanut butter and jelly, plums straight from a neighborhood tree!!!